For child psycologists, there are four degrees for the notions of love.
The first degree is "Love me"
It is the infantile level. A baby needs caresses and kisses, the child need gifts. He asks his surrounding "Am I loveable?" and wants proofs of this love. At the first degree, we ask the others, we use them as references.
The second degree is " I can love"
It is the adult level, we discover our own capacity of "vibrating" for the others and then to project our affection outside.We can concentrate it on someone in particular. This sensation can be much more satisfying than to be loved. The more we love, the more we realize the power that it gives. This sensation to become essential, like a drug.
The third degree is "I love myself".
After projecting your affection on others, we discover that we can project it on ourselves. The advantage, compared to the two last degrees, is that we do not depends on the others anymore, neither to receive their love, neither for them to receive ours. So there are less chances to be deceived or betrayed by the person who loves us or that we love for we can dose this love just like we need it without asking help of anyone.
The fourth degree is "The universal love"
It is the unlimited love. After receving affection, projection our affection, and loving ourselves, we spread it around us. And we receive it the same way. As for some individuals, this love could be called: Life, Nature, Earth, Universe, God, etc.
It is a notion that, once we are conscient of it, expands our mind.