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If an  electron had a conscience, would he knows he is part of  something much bigger that the atom is?

Would an atom understand that it is invluded in something much more vast that the molecule is?

And would the molecule understand that it is confined into something much bigger, like a tooth for instance?

And would a tooth conceive that it is part of a human's mouth?

Ans is an electron aware of the fact that it is a minor parcel of the human body?


When someone tells me he believes in God, it is like he would claim

"I have the pretention, myself, tiny electron, to glimpse that it is a molecule."

And when someone tells me that  he is atheist, it is like he would claim

"I have the pretention, myself, tiny electron, to be sure that there is no greater dimension than the one I currently know."


But what would they say, believers and atheists, if they knew how everything is so much greater,

 how more complex than their imagination could aprehend it?

What a shock it would be for our tiny electron if he not only knew he was confined inside the dimensions of

atoms, molecules, teeths, humans;

but that humans themselves are included in the dimension of planets, solar system, space and then something even bigger than this which we do not  yethave a word for. 


We are part of of a Matryoshka Doll game that transcends us.



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